We were talking to a friend not long after our son was born at 28 weeks. They’d also just had a baby and were saying the age-old line: We’re just glad she’s healthy. Which of course – that makes sense. It’s something to celebrate. And it’s rote at this point. A set answer – “I don’t care if it’s a… Read more →
Author: reluctprophet
Seven Ways to Support a Friend who’s Experiencing Infertility
This is the first infertility awareness week since I have experienced pregnancy and having a biological child. It took us five years to get here, and during this time we’ve dealt with our fair share of people who were unknowingly insensitive. From being told “oh [friend’s name] is pregnant, you should get pregnant and have a baby at the same… Read more →
The Intersection of Grace & Luck
I wrote this four years ago, already over a year into this process. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever share it. I’d go back and forth, hoping it might be helpful for someone and worried that people would think adoption was a second choice, when it’s always been our plan even before we knew what a struggle getting pregnant would… Read more →
There is No Trail From Here
Easter Monday is always hard. Us pastor folk like to joke about a post- Holy Week hangover. There have been so many hours and so much thought and prayer put into the week that when it’s all over it can be kind of deflating. Normally my family goes camping after Easter as a way to breathe out and celebrate, but… Read more →
All the Words I Cannot Say
As a pastor, former foster parent, and adoptive parent, people say to me all the time, “You must have so many stories. You could write a book some day.” Which is true, I have a lot of stories, the thing is, only a few of them are fully mine to share. I’ve had so many thoughts in my head about… Read more →