I wrote this four years ago, already over a year into this process. I wasn’t sure if I’d ever share it. I’d go back and forth, hoping it might be helpful for someone and worried that people would think adoption was a second choice, when it’s always been our plan even before we knew what a struggle getting pregnant would… Read more →
Tag: Grace
Just Another Post About Those Millennials
This morning I opened up Facebook to another one of those videos. You know the one where it’s a middle aged person complaining about/ telling everyone that they’ve figured out Millennials. We’re the generation that got participation trophies, spends too much time on our phones, and can’t commit. Maybe you’ve read one of the top 12 lists for why Millennials… Read more →
The Church will Break Your Heart
I’m a pastor’s kid, a pastor’s spouse, and a pastor, and I’m here to tell you that the church will break your heart. I came into seminary a little disillusioned, swearing that I would never be a pastor. I told them that I was a PK and that I had seen it all — the good, the bad, and the… Read more →
If Life is Not Fragile
There have been numerous tragedies brought to our attention in recent days — alligators, in my neck of the woods a kayaking incident, and I was talking to my mom about the kayaking incident in particular and how only a few minutes after the park posted a response about praying for the family, people were already making the death those… Read more →
Thoughts from a ‘Lady Pastor’…
I just got back from a church planting conference, and it was great. I learned good things, heard some inspiring speakers, and was reminded that I am an anomaly. I am a female pastor, or as they say in the south a ‘lady pastor.’ You know you’re a rare species when they put your gender in front of your title… Read more →
This is NOT a Race
The last few road races I ran I stood on the starting line talking to myself in my mind, preparing myself to run. “This is not a race. You are not racing. This is not a race.” It’s a good thing I wasn’t talking out loud so no one could hear my less than inspiring mantra. But here’s the thing.… Read more →
Pure Grace & Playgrounds
I’m a new pastor, and at that point I was only three months into the parish, so I was always somewhere between “This is awesome” and “Dear Lord what have I gotten myself into.” I sometimes see myself as God’s cheerleader to my congregation trying to encourage and remind them that God is good, creation is good, and we can help… Read more →